find /var/lib/docker/containers/ -name *.log -exec ls -lsah {} \;
Kategorie: Linux
Delete *.log files older then 30 days
find /var/www/data/logs -name "*.log" -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \;
Find Files by Age and copy them to another directory
If you work with a lot of files, sometimes there is no way around sorting files, copying them out, deleting them etc. In this case I am looking for certain files, files that are not older than 1 year and want to copy them into another directory.
find . -iname '*.pdf' -type f -mtime -356 | xargs cp -t ../
Here i make use of the convinient pipe system of Linux/Unix |
The first expression (find) finds all files created in the last 365 days. These are then passed to the cp (Copy) command, which copies them into another directory.
The next xargs takes the list of files, transmitted by find and copy them to the parent .folder.
Search with grep and zip file results
If you want to save the files resulting from the grep search in a zip archive, use this command:
grep -lrZ "searchstring" ./ | xargs -0 zip -g
Search for a string in files and save the result
Search all files in this directory and all subdirectories containing a specific string and save the result in a file + 25 characters before and after the file This helps me very often when I have to search huge amounts of data and the terminal window can’t handle the result.
grep -r -o -P '.{0,25}searchstring.{0,25}' ./ > ~/search_result.txt
-r = recursive
-o = only matching, just the fitting line
-P = use Perl regular expressions
./ = in the actual directory
The > saves all output into a specifc file, in this case, its inside your homedirectory ~
Zip files and exclude subdirectories
zip -r directoryToZip -x directoryToZip /subdirectoryToExclude/* directoryToZip/SecondSubdirectoryToExclude /*
Encrypt Bitlocker Drive in Linux
This is a very small howto on how to mount an NTFS drive encrypted with Bitlocker under Linux.
install dislocker (hdd name is merkur, 1TB usb drive)
Find the devicename of the encrypted bitlocker drive
fdisk -lEncrypt Bitlocker Drive in Linux weiterlesen
Show me directories with the largest disc usage.
du -a ./ | sort -n -r | head -n 20
Its always searching for the directories with the most diskusage from the actual directory, sorted by usage. It shows the first 20 Lines
SSH-AGENT – Einfache SSH Loginverwaltung
Der SSH Agent ist ein Hilfsprogramm, das die Identitätsschlüssel des Benutzers und seine Passphrasen verfolgt. Der Agent kann sich dann mit den Schlüsseln bei anderen Servern anmelden, ohne dass der Benutzer erneut ein Passwort oder eine Passphrase eingeben muss. Dies implementiert eine Form des Single Sign-On (SSO).
VIM Editor Shortcuts
Some shortcuts for working with VIM, an open source text editor for the console. Available for Linux, Windows & Mac.
Smart movements
search for the word under the cursor forward/backward.w
to the next wordW
to the next space-separated wordb
to the begin/end of the current word. (B
for space separated only)gg
jump to the begin/end of the file.%
jump to the matching { .. } or ( .. ), etc..{
jump to next paragraph.'.
jump back to last edited line.g;
jump back to last edited position.